Duration |
1880 Jan 18 | Whole of Mare Nectaris | Foggy. Fog extended into the floor of Fracastorius. Gruithuisen said that the seeing was unsatisfactory. | Gaudibert | Gaudibert 1880 |
1881 Feb 3, 19h00m | Aristarchus (on dark side, limb area) | Very bright (~8.0 mag star) with pulsations | "Gamma" | Sirius 1881 |
1881 Jul 4, 00h30m | N/A | "Two pyramidal luminous protuberances appeared on the moon's limb .... These points were a little darker than the rest of the moon's face. They slowly faded away ...." | Several observers | Sci. Amer. 1882 |
1881 Aug 6-7 | Aristarchus region | Whole region between Aristarchus and Herodotus and S part of Great Rille (Schroter's Valley) appeared in strong violet light as if covered with fog | Klein | Klein 1902 |
1881 Dec 5, 17h09m | Aristarchus | During eclipse, Aristarchus was a white spot in the coppery disk and continued so. (Lunar eclipse) | S.J. Johnson | Johnson 1882; Fisher 1924 |
1882 Jan 29, 17h00m - 17h30m | Eudoxus; 30 min | Unusual shadow | N/A | Sirius 1882 |
1882 Feb 27, 18h30m - 19h30m and 20h30m - 20h45m |
Eudoxus; 1 hr, and 15 min | Unusual shadow (on Feb 25, the shadow was normal) | N/A | Sirius 1882 |
1882 Mar 27, 18h45m | Plato | Floor glowed with milky light | A.S. Williams | Williams 1882 |
1882 Apr 24 | Near Godin and Agrippa | Shadows blurred and oscillating. Shadows in Aristoteles steady. Intervals between obscurations, ~10 min | Ridd | Proc. Liverpool Astr. Soc. 1883 |
1882 May 19 | Just E of Mare Crisium against Prom. Agarum | Cloud, not less than 100 mi x 40 or 50 mi; no trace seen on May 20 | J.G. Jackson and friends | Eng. Mech. 1882; Strol. Astr. 1966; B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.8 |
1882 Jul 17 | Just E of Mare Crisium, against Prom. Agarum | Feathery mist or cloud | J.G. Jackson | Strol. Astr. 1966 |
1882 Nov 7, 09h00m | Dark limb | Line of light around dark limb, attributed to atmosphere, well seen, equally bright throughout length. Age of moon 26.5 days | Hopkins | Sirius 1884 |
1883 Mar 12, 20h00m | Dark limb | Line of light (see 1882 Nov 7) well seen | Hopkins | Sirius 1884 |
1883 Mar 12 | Taruntius and environs | Peculiar blurred appearance. Unmistakable variations in the sharpness of the shadows of the ring plain | Davies | Proc. Liverpool Astr. Soc. 1883; B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No 10 |
1883 May | Edge of Mare Crisium | Light mist or cloud | J.G. Jackson | Flammarion 1884 |
1883 Nov 5, ~18h00m | Aristarchus | Very bright (~7.0-8.0 mag star) | "R" | Sirius 1883 |
1884 Feb 5 | Kepler | Illumination in Kepler | Morales | l'Astron. Vol.9 |
1884 Oct 4, ~22h03m | Tycho | During eclipse, bright spot like a star of the 2nd mag. (Lunar eclipse) | Parsehian | Parsehian 1885; Fisher 1924 |
1884 Nov 29, 19h00m - 21h00m | Aristarchus; 2 hr | Nebulous at center; elsewhere features well defined | Hislop | Sirius 1885 |
1885 Feb 19 | Small crater near Hercules | Small crater was dull red with vivid contrast | Gray | l'Astron. Vol.4; Knowledge Vol.7 |
1885 Feb 21 | Cassini | Red patches | Knopp | l'Astron. Vol.4 |
1885 Jun 10 | Aristarchus | Starlike light | Tempel | Pop. Astr. 1932 |
1886 Sep 6 | Plato | Streak of light on dark floor of crater in shadow (67 mm refl.) | Valderama | Sirius 1887 |
1887 Feb 1, ~17h00m | Plato | Appearance of light in crater | Kruger | Sirius 1887 |
1887 Feb 2 | La Hire | Intense yellow streak that cast shadows around neighbouring features | Klein | Sirius 1903 |
1888 Jul 15 | S edge of Alps on dark side of moon | "Lunar volcano"; ~1 mag star. Yellow light tinged with red from refractor's secondary spectrum | Holden | Sirius 1888 |
1888 Nov 23, 17h15m | 45 min | A triangular patch of light (seen with 3 1/2 in. refractor and 180 x mag) | von Speissen and others | Sirius |
1889 Mar 30 | Copernicus | Black spot | Gaudibert | l'Astron. 1889 |
1889 May 11 | Gassendi | Black spot on rim | N/A | l'Astron. 1889 |
1889 Jun 6, 22h00m | Plato B and D (Schmidt's designation) | Two extremely bright spots (8 in. refractor) | Evon Lade | Sirius 1889 |
1889 Jul 12, ~20h52m | Aristarchus | During lunar eclipse, brilliance in surrounding gloom was striking | Krueger | Krueger 1889; Fisher 1924 |
1889 Sep 3 | Alpetragius; 30 min | "Central peak, its shadow and all the floor seem to be seen through haze." | Barnard | Barnard 1892 |
1889 Sep 13 | Plinius | White spot over central peak | Thury | Thury 1889a, 1889b |
1889 Oct 3-4 | Alpetragius | Hazy | Barnard | Barnard 1892 |
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