1880 - 1889

Date & Time
Feature or Location;
1880 Jan 18 Whole of Mare Nectaris Foggy. Fog extended into the floor of Fracastorius. Gruithuisen said that the seeing was unsatisfactory. Gaudibert Gaudibert 1880
1881 Feb 3, 19h00m Aristarchus (on dark side, limb area) Very bright (~8.0 mag star) with pulsations "Gamma" Sirius 1881
1881 Jul 4, 00h30m N/A "Two pyramidal luminous protuberances appeared on the moon's limb .... These points were a little darker than the rest of the moon's face. They slowly faded away ...." Several observers Sci. Amer. 1882
1881 Aug 6-7 Aristarchus region Whole region between Aristarchus and Herodotus and S part of Great Rille (Schroter's Valley) appeared in strong violet light as if covered with fog Klein Klein 1902
1881 Dec 5, 17h09m Aristarchus During eclipse, Aristarchus was a white spot in the coppery disk and continued so. (Lunar eclipse) S.J. Johnson Johnson 1882; Fisher 1924
1882 Jan 29, 17h00m - 17h30m Eudoxus; 30 min Unusual shadow N/A Sirius 1882
1882 Feb 27, 18h30m - 19h30m and
20h30m - 20h45m
Eudoxus; 1 hr, and 15 min Unusual shadow (on Feb 25, the shadow was normal) N/A Sirius 1882
1882 Mar 27, 18h45m Plato Floor glowed with milky light A.S. Williams Williams 1882
1882 Apr 24 Near Godin and Agrippa Shadows blurred and oscillating. Shadows in Aristoteles steady. Intervals between obscurations, ~10 min Ridd Proc. Liverpool Astr. Soc. 1883
1882 May 19 Just E of Mare Crisium against Prom. Agarum Cloud, not less than 100 mi x 40 or 50 mi; no trace seen on May 20 J.G. Jackson and friends Eng. Mech. 1882; Strol. Astr. 1966; B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.8
1882 Jul 17 Just E of Mare Crisium, against Prom. Agarum Feathery mist or cloud J.G. Jackson Strol. Astr. 1966
1882 Nov 7, 09h00m Dark limb Line of light around dark limb, attributed to atmosphere, well seen, equally bright throughout length. Age of moon 26.5 days Hopkins Sirius 1884
1883 Mar 12, 20h00m Dark limb Line of light (see 1882 Nov 7) well seen Hopkins Sirius 1884
1883 Mar 12 Taruntius and environs Peculiar blurred appearance. Unmistakable variations in the sharpness of the shadows of the ring plain Davies Proc. Liverpool Astr. Soc. 1883; B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No 10
1883 May Edge of Mare Crisium Light mist or cloud J.G. Jackson Flammarion 1884
1883 Nov 5, ~18h00m Aristarchus Very bright (~7.0-8.0 mag star) "R" Sirius 1883
1884 Feb 5 Kepler Illumination in Kepler Morales l'Astron. Vol.9
1884 Oct 4, ~22h03m Tycho During eclipse, bright spot like a star of the 2nd mag. (Lunar eclipse) Parsehian Parsehian 1885; Fisher 1924
1884 Nov 29, 19h00m - 21h00m Aristarchus; 2 hr Nebulous at center; elsewhere features well defined Hislop Sirius 1885
1885 Feb 19 Small crater near Hercules Small crater was dull red with vivid contrast Gray l'Astron. Vol.4; Knowledge Vol.7
1885 Feb 21 Cassini Red patches Knopp l'Astron. Vol.4
1885 Jun 10 Aristarchus Starlike light Tempel Pop. Astr. 1932
1886 Sep 6 Plato Streak of light on dark floor of crater in shadow (67 mm refl.) Valderama Sirius 1887
1887 Feb 1, ~17h00m Plato Appearance of light in crater Kruger Sirius 1887
1887 Feb 2 La Hire Intense yellow streak that cast shadows around neighbouring features Klein Sirius 1903
1888 Jul 15 S edge of Alps on dark side of moon "Lunar volcano"; ~1 mag star. Yellow light tinged with red from refractor's secondary spectrum Holden Sirius 1888
1888 Nov 23, 17h15m 45 min A triangular patch of light (seen with 3 1/2 in. refractor and 180 x mag) von Speissen and others Sirius
1889 Mar 30 Copernicus Black spot Gaudibert l'Astron. 1889
1889 May 11 Gassendi Black spot on rim N/A l'Astron. 1889
1889 Jun 6, 22h00m Plato B and D (Schmidt's designation) Two extremely bright spots (8 in. refractor) Evon Lade Sirius 1889
1889 Jul 12, ~20h52m Aristarchus During lunar eclipse, brilliance in surrounding gloom was striking Krueger Krueger 1889; Fisher 1924
1889 Sep 3 Alpetragius; 30 min "Central peak, its shadow and all the floor seem to be seen through haze." Barnard Barnard 1892
1889 Sep 13 Plinius White spot over central peak Thury Thury 1889a, 1889b
1889 Oct 3-4 Alpetragius Hazy Barnard Barnard 1892

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